The Team
Just a little about us.

Andy Cooke
I'm Andy, I've been Surveying since the early 1800's and frozen to death!
This is me carrying out some River Cross Section and Structure Surveys for the Environment Agency.
I'm involved in all aspects of Surveying including Measured Building Surveying, Topographical, Setting-out and Underground Utility Detection.
Feel free to give me a ring if you have any queries about Topographic, Building or River Surveys! 07970 205 932
- Andy
Paul Williams
I'm Paul and I've been Surveying since 1988, so I have a wealth of experience.
I like to think I'm normal but who knows! If you have any questions about a Land/Topo Survey (or whatever they want to call it) then I'm your human!
Please do give me a call. 07970 205 935
I also create Land Registry Compliant plans and deal with issues relating to boundaries. We can produce CPR compliant reports should you be unfortunate to be in that situation. I'm happy to advise.
Of course there's Utility & Ground Penetrating Radar, Measured Building, Laser Scanning and Setting-out, we do all of them too.
- Paul